2 Hour Asbestos Awareness Training Course

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This course tells you what asbestos is, some com­mon build­ing mate­ri­als that con­tain asbestos, rec­og­niz­ing dam­aged ACM, rel­e­vant reg­u­la­tions, and what to do if you dis­cov­er dam­aged asbestos.

Course Overview

Most peo­ple can­not tell whether build­ing mate­ri­als con­tain asbestos just by look­ing at them. Asbestos aware­ness train­ing is essen­tial for any work­er in con­struc­tion or relat­ed indus­tries where asbestos con­tain­ing mate­ri­als may be present. If you need to work in envi­ron­ments where asbestos may be present, attend­ing this course will assist you to iden­ti­fy mate­ri­als like­ly to con­tain asbestos, and teach you the safe­ty require­ments for work­ing with asbestos.

Course Outline

  • Iden­ti­fy­ing rel­e­vant Fed­er­al and State reg­u­la­tions that applies to asbestos
  • Explain­ing what asbestos is and where is it has com­mon­ly been used
  • Iden­ti­fy­ing like­ly asbestos con­tain­ing materials
  • Know­ing health effects of expo­sure to asbestos
  • Iden­ti­fy­ing when a license is required when remov­ing asbestos
  • Describ­ing the safe­ty require­ments of work­ing around asbestos
  • What details are avail­able in a thor­ough asbestos sur­vey for your building

Contact Michael Schluterbusch with your training needs at: 


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